Перевод для "were looking" на русский
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As a result, this created an ambivalent cultural, psychological and political legacy, where people of other customs and faiths were looked at with both mistrust and fear.
В результате это создало раздвоенное культурное, психологическое и политическое наследие, когда на людей иных обычаев и верований смотрели с недоверием и страхом.
They were looking at you.
Они смотрели на тебя.
And they were looking in.
И они смотрели внутрь.
You were looking out that window.
Вы смотрели в окно.
I thought you were looking!
Я думал, ты смотрел! Нет!
We were looking at it upside down.
Мы смотрели вверх тормашками.
You were looking at the tower.
- Где? Ты смотрел на башню.
- You were looking the other way.
- Вы в другую сторону смотрели.
Yes, you were looking at me.
Да, вы смотрели на меня.
You were looking, I caught you.
Ты смотрела, я поймал тебя.
- You were looking right at me.
- Ты смотрел прямо не меня.
Both she and the Fat Lady were looking down at him with the keenest interest.
Обе дамы смотрели на Гарри с превеликим интересом.
He was lying on the bank of the lake in the setting sun, and Ron and Hermione were looking down at him.
Он лежал на берегу озера, в небе низко стояло заходящее солнце. Рон и Гермиона смотрели на Гарри.
None of the people seated underneath this singular sight were looking at it except for a pale young man sitting almost directly below it.
Никто из сидевших за столом на тело не смотрел, кроме бледного юноши, расположившегося почти прямо под ним.
Ron and Hermione were looking at him almost cautiously, as though scared of him. “I’m all right,” he told them. “Just tired.”
Рон с Гермионой смотрели на Гарри почти с опаской, как будто боялись его. — Со мной все в порядке, — сказал он. — Я просто устал.
Kingsley and Lupin were looking up at him, as were Oliver Wood, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet, Bill and Fleur, and Mr. and Mrs.
На него смотрели Кингсли и Люпин, Оливер Вуд, Кэти Белл, Анджелина Джонсон и Алисия Спиннет, Билл и Флер, мистер и миссис Уизли.
It was later understood that they were looking for three Yugoslav nationals.
Позднее выяснилось, что они искали трех граждан Югославии.
The Israelis were looking for two people when they destroyed these 20 houses.
Израильтяне разрушили эти 20 домов из-за того, что они искали двух человек.
[Children] were looking for protection or support when they joined [my] troops.
Вступая в [мои] отряды, [дети] искали защиты или поддержки.
They were looking for some documents and the mayor himself, who managed to escape.
Искали некие документы и самого мэра, который успел скрыться.
For reasons that remain unknown, the officers were looking for her son, Ali Benaziza.
По неизвестным причинам сотрудники безопасности искали сына Дауи − Али Беназиза.
They were looking for some young men and they accused us of harbouring these people in our house.
Они искали каких-то молодых людей и обвинили нас в том, что мы укрываем их в нашем доме.
The gun that the officers were looking for was found in the street on or about 25 June 2000.
Оружие, которое полицейские искали, было найдено на улице точно или приблизительно 25 июня 2000 года.
Among other findings, 53 per cent of the respondents found some of what they were looking for, and 26 per cent found everything they were looking for, 46 per cent read news stories and 20 per cent used the search function.
Кроме этого, 53 процента респондентов заявили, что частично нашли то, что они искали, а 26 процентов указали, что они нашли все, что искали; 46 процентов опрошенных читают новостные сообщения; 20 процентов используют функцию поиска.
At other times, they were captured as they were looking for safe cover outside their bunkers/homes during an attack.
Другие случаи связаны с ситуациями, когда они оказывались вне своих убежищ/домов во время нападения и искали безопасного крова.
At the same time, we were looking for solutions to maintain a cost-effective fieldwork organisation that would cover the whole nation.
В то же время мы искали решение сохранения затратоэффективной организации работы на местах, которая могла бы охватывать всю страну.
They were looking-- They were looking for ovarian cancer.
Они искали... они искали рак яичников.
You were looking for Bullet.
Ты искал Пулю.
We were looking for cyanide.
Мы искали цианид.
They were looking for Hattie.
Они искали Хэтти.
We were looking for mushrooms.
Мы искали грибы.
They were looking for you.
Они искали тебя.
They were looking for drugs.
Oни искали наркотики.
- They were looking for Angel.
- Они искали Ангела.
You were looking for answers.
Вы искали ответы.
We were looking for Iris.
- Мы искали Арис.
Fermi had just died a short time before, and the faculty at Chicago were looking for someone to take his place.
Скончался Ферми и Чикагский университет искал человека, который занял бы его место.
“But I thought we were looking for places You-Know-Who’s been, places he’s done something important?” said Ron, looking baffled. “Was he ever inside the Lestranges’ vault?”
— Так мы вроде искали в местах, связанных с Сами-Знаете-Кем, — озадаченно проговорил Рон. — Разве он когда-нибудь бывал в сейфе Лестрейнджей?
Once Snape had turned his back on them to write up the ingredients of todays potion on the blackboard, Hermione hastily rifled through the magazine under the desk. At last, in the center pages, Hermione found what they were looking for.
Как только Снегг повернулся к ним спиной, чтобы написать на доске ингредиенты для нового зелья, Гермиона украдкой раскрыла под партой журнал и стала листать. Статья, что она искала, оказалась в середине журнала.
Since it was not profitable to sell them in the market, they were looking for a middleman, and that was what Lizaveta did: she took a commission, handled the deals, and had a large clientele, because she was very honest and always named a final price: whatever she said, that the price would be.
Так как на рынке продавать невыгодно, то и искали торговку, а Лизавета этим занималась: брала комиссии, ходила по делам и имела большую практику, потому что была очень честна и всегда говорила крайнюю цену: какую цену скажет, так тому и быть.
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