Übersetzung für "they were as was" auf russisch
They were as was
Their beards were forked and plaited and thrust into their belts. Their caps were of iron and they were shod with iron, and their faces were grim.
Бороды карликов были заплетены в две косы и заткнуты за пояса, шлемы и обувь были железными, а лица – грозными.
and they were both, too, as impolitic as they were unjust.
вместе с тем они были столь же нецелесообразны.
They were swift and well-armed, and they were many.
Бежали они быстро, оружием их не обидели, и ватага была изрядная.
They were sophomores, and were being quite motherly, the two of them.
Они были второкурсницами и относились ко мне по-матерински, обе.
They were faithful.
Они были преданы мне.
Such as they were, however, those arguments convinced the people to whom they were addressed.
Но как бы то ни было, приведенные аргументы убедили тех, к кому они были обращены.
они были, как это было
Who were they? “It was… it was… the P-Potter b-boy and the t-two accomplices…”
Кто это был? — Это были… это были… м-мальчишка П-поттер и двое… двое сообщников…
Very strange strangers they were, too.
Надо признать, это были очень странные незнакомцы.
“Even if that were true, it was because of you...you would still be the cause of it.”
— Если бы даже это была и правда, так из-за тебя же… все-таки ты же была бы причиной.
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