Übersetzung für "but were is" auf russisch
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Thousands were killed, women were raped, villages were burned, homes were destroyed and belongings were looted.
Тысячи суданцев были убиты, женщины -- изнасилованы, деревни -- сожжены, дома -- разрушены, а имущество -- разграблено.
But they were made specially; they were not regular products.
Однако это были изделия штучные, не серийная продукция.
«It were,» said the cook; «it were when we weighed anchor.
– Да, они были там, – сказал повар. – Они были там, когда мы подымали наш якорь.
It was as if he smiled, but at the same time as if it were not a smile.
Он как будто улыбнулся, но как будто это была и не улыбка.
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